GERD and lesions of the larynx: diagnosis and therapy.

22 Novembre 2013

Goretti P

Authors   [Indice]

Goretti P1

1Department of Sense Organs, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy

Citation: Goretti P. GERD and lesions of the larynx: diagnosis and therapy. Prevent Res, published on line 22. Nov. 2013, P&R Public 59. Available from: . doi: 10.7362/2240-2594.145.2013


Abstract   [Indice]

Background: The gastroesophageal reflux disease with atypical symptoms, is in close relations with lesions of the larynx and vocal cords, generated upon contact of the acid material with the respiratory mucosa.
Objectives: Description of the lesions of the larynx and possible therapeutic interventions.
Methods: Evidence of correlation between GERD and dysphonia through the use of instrumental analysis.
Conclusions: In the treatment of GERD with atypical symptoms is important, to ensure the best possible care to the patient, creating a collaboration between phoniatrics and gastroenterology.

Key words: GERD, dysphonia, laryngitis, chronic posterior laryngitis, granuloma.

Corresponding Author   [Indice]

Paola Goretti
Department of Sense Organs, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy

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